Understanding Alcohol Addiction
A common misconception is alcohol addiction is simple to overcome. For those who don’t suffer from the disease, understanding alcohol addiction is not so easy. Many believe it to be a cop-out or a character flaw. However, the realities of…

Why Do I Drink So Much Alcohol?
Walk through your nearest town, turn on the T.V., or just take a peek in your fridge — chances are you’ll come across a bottle or can of something alcoholic. Alcohol consumption is embedded in our everyday culture. But, as we all know, it’s…

Alcohol Is Ruining My Relationship
To many people, alcohol is a fantastic socializing drink that can reduce your anxieties and let you have fun. But when does the after-work drink become a desperate escape? Is alcohol ruining my relationship? It is a difficult question to face.…

Online Alcohol Treatment
Struggling with alcohol addiction is a reality for many Americans. Alcohol Use Disorder(AUD) affects many families and has caused countless preventable deaths each year. According to the 2019 National Survey of Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 18.1…

How Many Drinks Per Week is Considered An Alcoholic
Determining how many drinks per week is considered an alcoholic is hard to know. The primary reason is that the development of alcoholism – more formally known as alcohol use disorder – depends on many different components. Common components…

Alcoholism and Divorce
Alcohol use can come with severe costs. It can lead to legal problems, financial stress, unemployment, and cause serious health issues. It can also destroy family and romantic relationships. Alcohol use is one of the leading reasons couples…

Depression and Alcohol
Alcohol has a firm foot in our culture and seems fitting for most of life's events–good and bad. Even with booze readily available, escaping life's troubles can prove to be an impossible challenge. At times it seems the only place to find…

Online Alcohol Abuse Counseling
Online alcohol abuse counseling confirms that new developments in technology and telehealth can showcase addiction treatment efficacy for some.
Alcohol addiction treatment modalities are evolving as science acquires a new understanding of…

Drinking a Fifth of Vodka Everyday
Do you drink a glass of your favorite alcoholic beverage with dinner every night? This would put you in the top 30% of American adults consuming alcohol (per-capita). The top 10% of alcohol consumers clinically diagnosed with severe alcohol…