risks of self medicating
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Dangers of Self Medication

While hardships and stress are a normal part of life, it’s still tough to live through. We’re not born knowing how to deal with emotional issues, mental health conditions, trauma, or stress. It’s through our individual experiences that…
fear of going to rehab

Fear of Going to Rehab

In the United States, roughly 19.4 million American adults who are addicted to drugs or alcohol don’t believe they need help for it, despite information that proves alcohol and drugs can carry lethal or other negative consequences. According…
getting help to stop drinking

Online Help to Stop Drinking

Alcohol abuse is the third leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. Despite its prevalence, overconsumption of alcohol may seem ordinary and routine. In reality, it can be the root cause of serious medical problems that carry long-term…
substance abuse and rebuilding relationships
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Rebuilding Relationships in Recovery

Human connection is a fundamental part of life. Every day, we’re creating connections with people we encounter, whether it’s strangers on the bus or in stores, our co-workers, or family members. Various psychological studies have shown that…
group therapy and individual therapy differences

Group Therapy vs. Individual Therapy: Which One Is Right For You?

From a psychological point of view, life can be an endless struggle. While everyone experiences adversity, setbacks, missteps, and everything in between, it doesn’t necessarily mean that a situation is entirely hopeless. There are many different…
online therapy stats

Online Therapy Statistics

Online therapy and remote treatment programs are radically changing how people receive support for mental health and drug addiction. Therapists and addiction specialists are hailing online treatment for its ability to deliver help without the…
drug prevention programs youth
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Drug Prevention Programs for Youth

Experimenting with drugs is commonplace among adolescents. While not every teen will sample from cigarettes, medications, marijuana, and other illicit substances, many will. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about one in five…
effects of trauma in a relationship

Effects of Trauma in a Relationship

An old adage about emotional baggage says: wherever you go, there you are. It refers to negative past experiences impacting relationships and general day-to-day living despite best attempts to move forward. And while the term “baggage” might…
resetting dopamine levels

How to Reset Dopamine Levels

Many of our feelings, decisions, and actions are influenced by neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and psychopharmaceuticals that control the central nervous system. Our daily experiences can affect the balance of chemicals in our brain, including…
common mental health issues

Common Mental Health Disorders

Society is taking strides in understanding how to incorporate mental health care when addressing wellbeing. Mental health is arguably the most vital component to self-care and wellness, as it can impact daily living, relationships, and even…